5 Ways To Make Tax Time Painless

Tax time is not your favorite time of the year, especially if you have to pay the government a portion of your hard-earned dollars. You are not alone. I cannot name a single person who is excited about giving their money to the government. Here are five tips on how we can make this tax […]

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2017 Tax Tips

Keep these tax tips in mind when you review your 2017 taxes with your Accountant and Bookkeeper.   Gather all fiscal records. Gather all of your documents for your purchases, business expenses, income and records of transactions, and pull all of your receipts, bank statements, cancelled checks and paid bills. Your bookkeeper can be your […]

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Prepare For Tax Season Early

  With all that is going on with your business, you probably have been focusing on growing. Right? Now, the end of the year is fast approaching and you haven’t found the time to catch up with your books. You have piles of receipts stored in various places. Do you have a plan to speed […]

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1099-MISC Basics

What are 1099 MISC Forms?  These are form you give to your contractors who work for you.  Use these 1099-MISC forms for contractors, who you paid $600 or more to. These people cannot be your employees. These forms are also required if you gave out prizes and awards. These forms are required by the IRS […]

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